she's runnin' naked through the forest

in her broken grass-stained kicks

fitted to her feet to save them

from all of nature's licks

and she's spreading out her hands

to her sides as she runs past

to feel the brand new grapevines

as the river claps and laughs

and the boy he thinks he's climbing

up the biggest hill on earth

his dogs are quick behind him

and his horse is giving birth

and he runs to her and holds her head

to promise her it's fine

while the dogs jump and nip her tail

and her foal walks in crooked lines

they're dancing 'round the fire

on the shores of the dark lake

they're counting stars and swigging wine

to keep themselves awake

and when they fall upon their backs

to look up at the sky

they fall in love and say it’s time

to forget to question why

they're growing old inside themselves

and by their hands you know

they were born to live and born to die

and in between they'd grow
